PinnedPublished inTowards AIUnifying Scikit-learn Pipelines and PyTorch Models with ONNX for DeploymentI have blogged in the past about a common machine learning design pattern involving feature engineering and preprocessing when working with…Feb 10Feb 10
PinnedCreating Feature Engineering Flow Graphs in KerasIn this blog we will look at creating plots while building up our feature engineering flow graph natively with Keras layers. At each step…Sep 2, 2022Sep 2, 2022
PinnedMigrating an Sklearn model training Pipeline to Tensorflow Keras.In this post we look at ways to migrate an Sklearn training pipeline to Tensorflow Keras. There might be a few reasons to move from Sklearn…Apr 24, 20221Apr 24, 20221
PinnedFeature Engineering using custom Keras Layers for a complete training and inference pipeline.In a previous post we looked at applying feature engineering with Keras Lambda layers. We also mentioned that Lambda layers have some…Mar 15, 2022Mar 15, 2022
PinnedFeature Engineering using Keras Lambda Layers for complete training pipeline.Often for structured data problems we end up using multiple libraries for preprocessing or feature engineering. We can go as far as having…Jan 22, 2022Jan 22, 2022
The Keras Functional API: Where Flexibility Meets Functionality showed by building custom…Designing the right architecture for a neural network is a blend of creativity and science. As problems grow more complex, the need for…Sep 28, 2023Sep 28, 2023
A Novel Approach to Designing a Modular ML Lifecycle Framework with Custom Steps and PipelinesStreamlining Machine Learning Development through Reusable, Customizable Steps and PipelinesApr 25, 2023Apr 25, 2023
Implementing Sklearn-like Transformers in Keras: A Custom Preprocessing Layer ExampleIn this article we will be looking at implementing a Sklearn-like transformer as a Keras Preprocessing layer. The example transformer will…Apr 22, 20231Apr 22, 20231
Published inTowards AWSBuilding Modular AWS Lambda Deployment Pipelines with Github ActionsIn today’s world of serverless computing, AWS Lambda functions have become an essential tool for developers to build and deploy scalable…Apr 15, 2023Apr 15, 2023
Building advanced custom Feature transformation Pipelines in Keras using EasyFlow.In this post we will show case how to apply different transformations and preprocessing steps on the same feature. What we have here is an…Jul 21, 2022Jul 21, 2022